Scrap Shears

Rotar Scrap Shears have enormous cutting power and rapid cycle times guaranteeing incredible productivity. The RSS series will cut tonnes of steel in the blink of an eye!

We offer Rotar Scrap Shears to either hire or buy UK wide.  Our expert team will help you choose the right scrap shear for your requirements.

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With 6 models available you’re sure to find a scrap shear to suit your machine and your requirements:

Type RSS 10 20X 30 40 50 100 100X 150X
Machine Class (t) on boom 9-13 13-23 20-27 25-32 30-45 50-68 50-68 60-68
Machine class (t) on dipper 12-19 20-32 32-40 38-60 50-72 65-90 75-90 110-90
Weight (kg)* 1260 2540 3590 4440 6180 8250 9750 15500
Rotar Hole-pattern 140-150 140-150 200 200 200 200 210 210
Dimension A (mm) 2245 2585 3275 3625 3980 4835 4500 5300
Dimension B (mm) 385 450 607 750 782 947 954 1095
Dimension C (mm) 380 420 544 625 701 903 917 997
Cuttingforce Tip ** (D) (t) 65 141 156 168 201 242 300 425
Cuttingforce Apex ** (E) (t) 130 261 296 319 390 467 575 825
Cuttingforce Throat ** (F) (t) 270 578 664 813 955 1338 1570 1995
Open/Close Operating pressure (bar) 350 380 350 350 350 350 380 380
Open/Close Oil Volume (L/min) 200 150-240 300-450 300-450 300-450 500-750 500-750 500-960
Rotation Operating pressure (bar) 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170
Rotation Oil volume (L/min) 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

*Weight exclusive adapterplate with bracket specifications may change without prior notice

** Cuttingforce measured at 350 bar



  • Features
  • Brochure
  • Video
  • Replaceable Cutting Knives
  • Headpiece and slewing ring
  • Specially developed hydraulic cylinder
  • The double hose connection
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